Monday, September 19, 2016

Cute Cat Video Compilation

Cats are simply the funniest animals! Who doesn't like cats?!

Cats and kittens make us laugh, smile and happy!

Just look how they play, sleep, make funny sounds, fail, get scared, play with other animals, react to mirrors, toasters,... 
So ridiculous, funny and cute!

Saturday, September 17, 2016


Lama juga ternyata udah nggak nge-blog. Terakhir ngeblog kalau nggak salah sekitar tahun 2011.

Ngapain saja selama 5 tahun nggak ngeblog? sok sibuk ? ahahahhaa...
Beneran sibuk sih, ngurus kerjaan dari pagi sampe sore, trus nongkrong sama temen-temen,
pulang rumah udah malem, buka laptop/pc trus ngegame